About Power 70 Evex

One of the things that drives us at Power 70 Evex is our love for education and investment. We love how this knowledge could have the ability to dramatically change the lives of people by helping them increase their level of comfort with this field. 


Partnering with Trusted Investment Education Firms

But most of us don’t know where to look for said information or who we can trust. That is why we chose to partner with a number of investment education firms that offer courses for the beginner to the expert. We created one simple website where you can obtain access to a variety of different investment education firms. 

We know that once you have a solid understanding of the basics, you will be able to make informed decisions for your future and hopefully have confidence in this field you wouldn’t otherwise have.


How to Use Power 70 Evex?

Power 70 Evex is an easy to use website. You simply sign up for a free account (we go into detail on how to do that below) and that’s all you need to do to get the process started. Representatives from our partner investment educational firms will reach out to you and get you started on your educational journey.


Types of Investment Education On Offer

We know that people learn in different ways. We feel it is important to help people begin their learning journey where they are in their level of understanding. This is why the educational firms we partner with offer a wide range of different kinds of material, including:

● seminars/webinars
● Risk management training
● Portfolio diversification advice
● Repositories of articles, videos, and even lectures

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